The main template for this card is really simple...just like you would make a heart (folding the card and cutting half of the card), you do this cutting pattern, except you cut in the shape of an 'w'. Once you have cut, when you open the card it should look like a butterfly. Next on the front you start to cut decorated paper for the bra look. You can then embellish the bra by adding some lace for the straps.
To work on the butt, just flip the card over and using the same paper pattern, create your thong (or underwear) look. Finally, if desired, simply add a cute heart 'tattoo' stamp on the butt. You can then personalize the card and share it with your soon to be wedded friend! Again, this is such a perfect card for this occasion and is easily created with little paper and ribbon. Once completed, it is sure to create some smiles among friends!
This is SOOO cute Kim! I am just so bummed now that I am done with weddings and bachelorettes, because this is perfect!!
My friend is getting married in Dec and I have been searching for creative ideas to make bachelorette party invites because her party is based off of victoria's secret and this is perfect! I had actually thought of making an invitation with bra and panties but my original design was both on the front of the card like they are hanging from hangers but this is adorable. Thanks a bunch for the idea. I'll be sure to post pictures when I'm done.
Wow! That is such an awesome card to make!! I had a hens night (what we Kiwi's call a bachelorette party) on Saturday and forgot all about a card till half an hour before I was due to leave. I trawled quickly through half a dozen pages of google results for homemade cards, and finally found yours. I managed to whip up this card in less than 10 minutes! Sooo quick and easy!!! Thanks so much for the idea!
These are hilarious! I just posted this to somedaycrafts.blogspot.com Thanks for sharing it~
Love the card - it's cute, classy and funny all at once. Good job!
This card is too cute! I am going to make this for my husband for Valentine's Day!!! Thanks for such a wonderful idea, he's going to love it!
I had a friend that made the same idea for a bachelorette party, but instead of a card she made sugar cookies...how come it couldnt have been my idea?...lol
just made this for Valentine's Day. Perfect card! Thanks!
Just wanted to let you know I posted about you today on HowDoesShe.com. Your card inspired me to do something a little different! ;) -Shelley {howdoesshe.com}
These are hilarious! I found you from How Does She and I'd love to do a mini-post about these cards. Would you mind if I used your photo? Thanks!
-Dee (DeeLovelyDay.blogspot.com)
perfect! so cute!! I am going to a bachelorette party this weekend and this is great. I am supposed to bring a dessert too and am seriously tempted to use bridgetandsam 's idea to make sugar cookies as well...
muy original me encanto excelente idea felicidades
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